Developer: Bossa Studios

Publisher: Bossa Studios

Genre: “Simulation”, Comedy, Satire, Physics, Indie

Price: $12.99

Where to buy:Steam

Games like I am Bread are easy Youtube click bate. Where the Youtuber or streamer struggles reach from point A to point B to make themselves golden and yummy. I am Bread is a game with a witty sense of humor and challenging gameplay. You are a slice of bread. Your goal is to become golden delicious for each client. The controls, which are surprisingly good for this style of frustrating game play are solid. In itself, it does not take any of it self that seriously. You play the… pardon the pun ahead of time, role of a themed piece of bread or loaf. Whatever else to suit a certain play style per area you trek across. Graphically the game looks great. With butter smeared a crossed it, of course. Almost all of the levels are interactive, posing challenging, or feeding your curiosity to explore.


The story, yes there is a story I assure you, is a transcript of a therapists progress sheet of a client and  a patent named Mr. Murton. As you progress or cause a little crusty chaos, you see his insanity leave him. Leaving a bit of humor intact to the whole thing. It is all very light-hearted in a text based story flow. The more you progress you realize one thing, it has more suspense than Lord of the Rings. Of course you may be skeptical to my claim however it is true, where else will you ever see a character with more personality then Froto, who plunges themselves into a very hot surface time and time again. To obtain their goals no doubt. A spoiler that I must discuss is the love triangle between the loaf and the bagel. At first I thought it was simple coy playful banter between good friends, but it grew into something more. A sad and crust dropping ending commenced, as knife met warm cooked perfection. Bread met jam and butter, and the two lovers met their demise. That part alone made me cry. Never has a game ever made me break down, or even depart of my lack of natural empathy.


Off the bat I would strongly suggest tossing aside your “PC Master Race” pride, and get a controller for this game. The keyboard controls are not as great Bathroom_02for movement. Comparing both setups, I have found the Xbox360 game pad to work wonderfully with navigation. To move generally you use the Left analog stick, with a combination or singly the bumper, as well as trigger buttons to grip surfaces. For the square loafed slice of bread that is. The game itself has a lot of depth to its movement. As you do have a timed stamina bar against you in most cases. Failure also plays a factor into surfaces you may fall on top of. As dirty floors make for non-enjoyable bread. So you basically have a short period of time to basically latch to safety or risk failing the level. The game has a few modes(six to be exact) to tackle if you enjoy that sort of thing. Which are: Story Mode, Free Roam, Rampage, Bagel race, Cheese Hunt, and Zero G. Story mode, explained a bit above is a element of progression of which you are simply rewarded with the worlds greatest treasure, a love story of dough and rollers. Free Roam, as the title suggests is basically more or less a sandbox where you may further explore the games completed levels from the story and case havoc. When playing around with the Bagel Race mode, I had this playing:

Race_01Sorry could not help it. I am hope this was the reference the developers were aiming for. Hopefully the team over Bossa Studios can toss me a response on that bit. The Bagel Race mode consists of a timed event where you must tag every what looked like cream cheese spreads on cardboard. The Bagel has two points of momentum, so if you are using the game pad it would be Right trigger, and Left trigger in a consistent shift between the two buttons. For speed run junkies, this might be the most fun part of the game. At first it is pretty tricky, then it becomes a blast to try to overpass the best score to land a A++. Which I have yet to do. Along the track you would see some cardboard where you gain speed boosts, much like games like Mario Kart. Rampage is basically one of my favorite modes out of the bunch. Think Burnout Takedown, but with a loaf of french Rampage_Mode_TBCbread(actually a Baguette, but whatever). Like the Bagel, it has two points of movement, making it slightly tricky to move at first. Much like the Bagel. Your goal is to smash plates, eggs, jenga bricks, and more. After a timer reaches zero, you are scaled on your score based off of how much anything you break overall. Cheese hunt places you in the role of a cracker. Where you must locate several stinky cheeses throughout the level. After attempting this, I craved cheese big time. However that is for another story. Zero G basically trolls you the hardest out of the games control scheme. There are no surfaces, making it very easy to flip often. The goal is identical of story objective. You are ZeroG_01not as exactly timed, but scaled on your score for how much fuel you use during the process to make it to the toaster, or heater, etc. Another factor is in the first level, the kitchen, where the toaster is floating in mid air, making it a slight nightmare to get into the toaster. The only saving grace was the fact the entry slot was large. Out of all the modes, this one had me dropping the french toast bomb every fifteen seconds give or take. Once I reached the heater in the second stage,  I was bumping around the thing until i got both switches activated. Which while you think being in a floaty atmosphere would be simple, it really is not. A passable mode. A few things I would like to say that are not as great in the game, is the camera. I think out of the whole game, the camera played against me, rather then help me navigate around the levels. For example I would climb up a wall or latch to a shelf on the wall or whatever else, and it would automatically shift, clipping through the wall, or get shoved between the wall and the actual shelf blocking my actual view. It was more frustrating then anything else. The other issue is general clipping, at points when clipping on to surfaces, I would find myself getting stuck whenever trying to flip to another surface. Leaving my four sided baked to perfection angel placed into hard times.

In Closing:

I would bet my rising yeast that you would get a massive kick out of this game. It is a bit on the short side once you get the hang, and mastery of the movement. If you are into the extra playable modes they did add some extra length but after awhile were not as appealing after a few plays about through. Its challenge can be annoying, or least anger inducing, that is the games grand plan. I found after a few dozen tries or attempts battling through the games purposefully awkward controls I felt accomplished being able to finish the respective levels. Each level having some decent length to them as you try to climb along and get the games pretty good physics down.  Otherwise I would highly recommend this game. Get it cheap, get it now, whatever your preference is. I would say pick up this game for sure if you enjoy a good challenge and something new out there.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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