Developer: Moonlight Games
Publisher: Dangen Entertainment
Genre: Action RPG
Where to buy: Steam
Price: $19.99
Usually, by now I have perhaps played almost every type of game. At least once. Or even seen ideas, enhanced and carried on the right way. Hunt the Night is one of those games whom carries some good concepts. Then tosses on a coat of beautiful design as final touches. Elements that would seem “janky”, are actually just challenging bits and pieces that give the player that old school feel of “okay, I gotta do that again now that I know how to do it”. Vibe. Easily many will compare this to a Dark Souls, even with my self guilty of tossing that boomerang around. The catch is really the game just offers a good challenge, that does not insult your skill.

You will die a few times, if you are skilled to these type of overhead Action adventure games will notice the vibe and comparison to Zelda, or a few others. Instead dashing in the quick to attack, quick to reward of Bloodborne. Skill is the key note described to this game. If you are a not so adept player to harder games, you will feel it might be to publishing and dislike the game. Do not think devastatingly this makes the game bad. You should just move on. Or learn the patterns of the games elements. As many Arcade games you perhaps partaken as a kid. I digress from the belittling and more so focus on this games nature. It tells a wonderfully simple story of exploration through a dark gothic mansion, where eldritch terrors and the lot will wonder, you take them out and collect your pellets. Controls felt pretty good, and dashing, attacking, and movement were super buttery. Even with its earlier build I accessed.

Bosses feel meaty, offer a good fight to those whom want it. Collectable galore with plenty of weapons, and upgrades with the option to upgrade what you enjoy to use. I personally just ran with the starter blade. Overall I will say safely this game is wonderful. With the challenge tossed in, it will keep you busy, and be meaty as fans of Souls like games would like. Grab it today!