HTC_One_Front_Main_TAAt the I/O, Google announced that a version of the Samsung Galaxy S 4 running stock Android will be for sale later this summer. Could a “Google experience” HTC One with stock Android follow? Leigh Momii, a Developer Evangelist at HTC posted a tweet possibly suggesting exactly that, stating “So you can pay $649 for a piece of plastic running stock or… You can wait.” Trusted developer LlabTooFer said on Twitter he was positive that the tweet meant that “this summer we will see HTC One Google Edition” or something similar.

HTC employee Jeff Gordon replied to Android and Me, who initially reported Momii’s tweet, saying “HTC is not currently planning a ‘Nexus Edition’ of the HTC One.”  The key word in that statement is “currently,” as confirming a new version of their flagship phone would definitely hurt current sales for HTC.

If this rumor turns out to be true, could this be the start of more and more “Google experience”  Android phones? Stay tuned to Talk Android as we hear more.

Sources: Android and Me, @LlabTooFeR, @jetleigh

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