With credits on triple-A titles like Red Dead Redemption, Homefront, and Dance Central, it’s hard to believe Curious Pictures started out making television commercials. Founded in 1993, the New York-based company began with stop-motion animation, and over the years expanded to 150 people who not only create ads, but also television shows, feature films, visual effects and, in recent years, video games.
As this story goes to press, they’ve just finished Deepak Chopra’s Leela, a game that exists in a weird place between experimental art titles and licensed games the enthusiast media doesn’t hear about until they appear at Wal-Mart.
‘During the last several years, we really moved into games with the idea that we would be producing the games of the future — a kind of blended media,’ says Lewis Kofsky, a producer and partner. ‘There’s been a lot of change in the gaming industry, and we’re working on titles that we think will blur the boundaries between traditional entertainment and interactive experiences.’