Follow Wendy on twitter: A light hearted look at the art of converting your girlfriend into a girl gamer. 1st, Think about your girlfriends personality because that plays a huge part in turning them to the dark side. Sadly, not EVERY girl is going to want to share your love for gaming but it wont hurt to try. Right? 2. Test the water. In life, different approaches work on different people and thats no different when it comes to the ladies. 3. When you and your gf are together, if she sits behind you bored as you play your game for hours… that is NOT the best way to do it. Invite her to play. Don’t ignore your woman or make her feel like she comes 2nd to your gaming habits. It’s very important that if your lady says “no” or turns down a game, listen to her reason why… let it settle then try again after you try to get a feel for her game preference. Dont try to force a different game on her ever day. Tact is your friend. 4. Let her know in a sincere way what your intentions are. Make sure to use words like “share” and “bond” and “connect” you’d love if she got more into gaming but also offer interest in something of her expertise so it’s not just a one way street- the relationship outside of gaming could benefit from it. 5. Gateway game= that’s the game that will grab your girls attention and ‘plant the seed’ so to speak. With some girls it might be World or War craft. Other girls it might be The sims. -Testing the water needs to be used here as well. A

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