Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

Let’s address the White Wolf in the room first, shall we? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition. is very much out and it’s the triumphant celebration of a pretty awesome game. It also marks the conclusion of Geralt’s long-running saga, so it’s time to ask yourselves: what was the most Witcher moment that Witchered you the most across all Witchers? Was it a dialogue? An epic fight? A secret place? As long as it was cool for you, we want to hear it!

Surely you’ve got some gaming planned for this weekend, too. Go on, share your Weekend Playlist with us. It can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything – we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some additional inspiration? The GOG.com releases of the week might help:

– You can clear up your schedule for the next couple of months and kiss your family goodbye before you dive into the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition.
– You can leave behind anyone that slows you down and ride your locomotive of apocalypse survivors towards The Final Station.
– You can score some SUPREME! new loot and arenas in the action-packed DLC for FORCED SHOWDOWN.
– You can fight for your people all through the night in the turn-based beauty Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire.
– You can bring mythical beasts to their knees and restore balance in the ancient lands of Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition.
– You can carry your frog-like companion around and zap some unfriendly creatures in Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee.

So, School of GOG, what are you playing this weekend?

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