Developer: Rockstar Games

Publisher: Rockstar Games

Price: $59.99

Release Date: September 17th, 2013

Platforms: Xbox360, PS3, (coming soon) PC

Where to buy: Amazon, Gamestop,


Over time, the flagship series known as Grand Theft Auto was a trade mark that sent Rockstar games to the moon in gta5albertdesilvapopularity, controversy, and overall memories from many a childhood. GTA5 is the latest installment. This time around, you gain control of three anti-heroes named Franklin Clinton, Trevor Phillips, and Michael De Santa. Franklin is the first guy you initially start out with besides a light introduction into the game play. The game is initially the same as the other games in the series. The main attraction is the heists. Along with witty and hilarious side missions along the way. How can you tell when you reached a amazing game? It keeps you playing for hours, without consideration of time. GTA5 is one of the prettiest, well told GTA games yet. Every inch was considered, every ounce of this game was crafted extremely delicately. I did come across a few bugs along the way, these were minor.




The story is set in a offset LA, Los Angeles. You are brought into a theme as such as GTA: San Andreas . Which in fact is the same. You then take control of Franklin, a young protagonist, looking to make his way to the top. Through hustling, gta_v___trevor_render_by_nardii-d65rhb5and gang banging, generally. The vibe of the game feels like the classic nineties urban gang movies. You then set off to do some “repro” jobs, collecting cars or motor bikes alike that supposedly owed payments. Soon to realize it was all a scam, you soon depart and meet one of the other main characters in the game, Micheal. His story is he is a retired ex-con. Whose family life is in the crapper. His kids are pardon the expression, assholes. Wife cheats on him every chance she gets. Among this you can also meet a shrink, who along game time you can visit and learn more about Micheal. Backtracking to the introduction to the game brings forth a eighties style heist. Where you see Micheal and his friend Trevor up north rob a guarded vault. Things turn sour, and you see Trevor escape. Now lets date up to now, Trevor is a maniac, a crazy, crazy monster. Some might find a big time charm to him, he gets things done, and well, I will not break really any more into his persona. How do I really explain this game is, think Heist movies. With that grade A quality.


All locations roughly in this game play a role, or a part in this game. Every ounce of rock, dirt, particle of water is gta_v___franklin_render_by_nardii-d65mk3nexplorable. Hidden items to locate and pickup, as well as tasks to do. As you complete side quests on your map, it clearly unlocks to reveal more content. Mini-games, such as Trevor’s Rampage. Including Cab fares, once you buy the cab company. Easter eggs among this world. Traffic on the avenue, to the random conversations among the public in the game. This all builds a sense of a strong standard. One impressive feat for this game, specially on a home console is the massive draw distance, without a lack of slowdown. As the “PC Master race” Will say there port will be better. Who really cares? If a console port can achieve this imagery. Then PC has nothing to gloat against its system brothers. The facial detail of each in game cut scene has stuff we seen from games like LA Noire. The facial expressions provide that nice touch of realism, but at the same time, are allow us to understand the emotion of the three main protagonists.



GTA has a track record for smooth to the ear soundtracks. Usually to suit the vibe of the game find or locate overall favorites, or help create new tunes people will flood to Youtube to listen to on and off. However one thing was a bit off with this one. Now while I mainly tried to listen to the Rock station. Because most of the other music was not that interesting to me. While a few groups or singers got my attention, the rest felt uninspired for me to even listen too. Singers like Elton John, or even one of the greatest Rock bands of all time Queen, was a nice touch. However I was just not sold on this selection. I hope if in the future a is incorporated for the game. I mean yea, Black Flag – My War , and Suicidal Tendencies – Subliminal were great to see in the punk section. Again only four out of the rest. I do not doubt the rest of the music will appeal easily for others out there with a stronger taste in music.


In Closing:

A Beautiful looking game. I can not honestly say this enough. From the really fun gun fights. All the way to the triple A storyline. I wanted to never story playing, even when I was tired. For a title with a massive budget, it truly shows. Can we hope for a better blockbuster video game in the future from Rockstar? The plot twists, and connection between all three of the playable characters held together all the way until the end of the story mode. While the music, a massive point to me to help me pass the time as I moved from point a to point b was lacking, it was not a deal breaker. I simply powered up my browser on my computer next to me and rock out my radio list and sync it into my game sessions. Besides the music, I felt while it was much better versus GTA4’s driving, it was a bit like driving a tank on a ice skating rink.


The car customization, while somewhat limited, still was great to help curb some early on impressions of handling with the main vehicles you are mostly given at safe houses. Voice acting in this game was so good, sometimes I forgot I was playing a video game, and I was watching a great heist movie. While it is still early to describe or cover GTA online(as it is not functional, yet.) While you own businesses, one thing slightly irked me. While it is cool to do interactive missions, I was hoping to be able to visit inside of some of the nightclubs, or some of the locations. Other then doing busy work. A must own game for the consoles, and no doubt for the PC later down the line, we will try to do a comparison at some point for the PS3, and PC games side by side.





By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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