
Ever since the moment Project Glass debuted rumors were a buzz regarding how it would forever revolutionize the Porn industry. Visual perspective ideas were brought up, debated and it would be only a matter of time before we saw our first XXX app grace the new tech. While it’s a novel idea, it’s one that will not see the light of day. A company by the name of MiKandi who developed an app called Tit’s and Glass (seriously) took to their corporate blog today to inform the internet world that their app would not be seen on Google Glass. This comes after Google changed their policies last Friday regarding pornographic and adult content. According to them:

“We don’t allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography. If we become aware of content with child pornography, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the Google Accounts of those involved with the distribution.”

It would appear that Google is taking the “do no evil” mantra to heart. While MiKandi stated on their blog that they developed the app to Google Policy terms prior to this change it doesn’t change the fact that they have to change their app. Of course they’ve stated that the app is still live but content will be changing dramatically over the night time hours. This, along side Google’s no on facial recognition suggest that the Mountain View company means business when it comes to this project. While this ban won’t affect most people, we’re sure it’ll anger a few people.

source: MiKandi
via: Android Authority

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