google_search_nowAs we first heard at the Google I/O, Google Now features are making their way to desktop and mobile search. Over the next few days, Google is rolling out flight, reservation, package delivery, and more info through Google Search. You can either type this in to the Google search box, or speak to the voice search. Just like its Google Now equivalent, the search giant pulls the info from your Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google+ accounts.

The time saving queries include:

  • Flights: Ask Google “Is my flight on time?” to get info on your upcoming flights and live status on your current flights.
  • Reservations: Ask for “my reservations” to see your dining plans or “my hotel” to get your hotel name and address. With one tap, you can get driving or public transit directions straight there, saving you lots of steps.
  • Purchases: Ask for “my purchases,” and you’ll get the status of your current orders, so you know whether your mom’s birthday present will arrive on time.
  • Plans: Ask Google “What are my plans for tomorrow?” to see a summary of upcoming flights, hotels, restaurant reservations and events—very useful when you’re traveling.
  • Photos: Say “Show me my photos from Thailand” to see the photos you uploaded to Google+. You can also ask for “my photos of sunsets” if you want to show off the shots you’ve taken over the year; Google will try to automatically recognize the type of photo you’re asking for.

Source: Official Google Blog


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