
Google might be one of the most innovative companies, but they are also a company that likes to have a lot of fun. Take Easter Eggs for example. They include them all over the place, and Google Now is becoming a very popular destination. XDA member akhan47 put together this collection of known Easter Eggs. I say known because it’s unlikely this is every Easter Egg that is part of Google Now. If you think about it, the possibilities are endless, so I am sure a few more will surface, plus it’s likely Google will add more. Be sure to let us know in the comments if you come up with anything that’s missing and we will add it. Hit the break for the “complete” (and ongoing) list.

We decided to provide you with only the questions so you can have a little fun with it. Just say any of the phrases listed and listen and/or look for the Easter Egg. Note: the first one won’t yield a response since they are just a few more ways to initiate a new search.

  • Instead of “OK Google” you can use “Hey Google”, “OK Computer”, “OK Jarvis”, “OK Glass”, or “Listen Google”
  • “Make me a sandwich”
  • “Sudo/Sudu, make me a sandwich”
  • “Beam me up Scotty”
  • “When am I?”
  • “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
  • “What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
  • “Who are you?”
  • “What is the nature of the universe?”
  • “What is your favourite color?”
  • “What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?”
  • “Do a barrel roll”
  • “Askew or “Tilt”

source: XDA

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