
Google has updated their Google Music app and brings forth some great improvements for their All Access users. One of my main gripes about All Access was how ridiculously long it took for songs to be downloaded onto your device no matter what my connection speed was. Thankfully Google has fixed that and songs, even albums, are downloading at a much faster and more dependable rate.

Another problem a lot of people were having is that music streaming using All Access was taking up a whole lot of their bandwidth, and it looks like Google is trying to fix that problem as this update ensures less data usage. Along with this update are improvements to the search function and overall speed of the app. Links to the app down below after the break!

How are you enjoying All Access? With the 30 day trial soon ending for the early adopters (such as myself), will you be continuing your subscription or will you be cancelling it and use something else like Spotify? Let me know in the comment section!

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