
We’ve been keeping a close, watchful eye on the Google Play Store. A few days ago, the Nexus 10 16GB listing was officially updated with “no longer available for sale” in the Google Play Store. Then, it was still up in the air on whether or not the device would return, or simply find itself replaced by the ASUS-made 2013 model.

Google Play Devices Nexus 4 7 10

If you needed further confirmation that the 16GB has gone the way of the dinosaur, the Play Store is now no longer linking to the 16GB version from the device homepage. Clicking on the “Nexus 10″ from the device page now takes you directly to the 32GB version, where it previously took you to the 16GB version. A small change, for sure. Just one we noticed as Google tidies up their online store in preparation for the launch of their updated models.

[Google Play Devices]

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