google keep

When Google Keep was first announced almost 5 months ago, many an Android user turned to the service as their go-to note taking app. Although not as robust or full featured as apps like Evernote, it was the Keep’s ease of use and Google account syncing that led users to favor it over the others. Now that we’ve all settled into our new home, pinning to-do lists, and reminders to the walls, we’re starting to realize that maybe a few extra features wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Google’s hot on the case.

In a recent update to Keep we saw the addition of reminders. Seems that’s not all Google has in store for keep according to the folks at Google Operating System, who recently dived into Keep’s code and found hints at Google Drive integration coming soon to the service. Alright, so that’s not much of a surprise. Google mentioned that notes would soon be accessible straight from Drive back when Keep was announced. But that’s not all, young padawan. There’s more.

According to the underlying code, you will soon be able to add any Google Drive file to a Keep note where viewing them will be handled through Google Drive viewer. The best part (well, for me anyway), is the ability to add stored Drive or YouTube videos to a Keep note, where it can be played back directly from inside Keep. Hot damn.

Definitely useful additions for sure. Now all I need is folders and possibly even password protection and I’ll be all set. Seems Google is gearing up to cram a whole buncha features and we couldn’t be more excited. How ’bout you?

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