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Google Hangouts has just received a very nice update with features we have been begging for since Google Talk was axed! We haven’t been this excited for a Hangouts update in a while, but why exactly is this? Well, it’s the little things that make a huge difference. This update brings us the little things we miss and some many didn’t even know they wanted!

Google Hangouts features


Online status details are back!

This is by far the biggest feature we have all been begging for. Google Talk used to organize contacts by online status, putting online users on top and letting you know if they were available or not. This feature disappeared after Hangouts took over Talk, something many of us have been quite upset about.

Online status is back! You can now see who is reachable by going to new hangout window. Online users will be marked with a green Hangouts icon while offline users will carry a gray one.

I, for one, am very happy to see this feature coming back. It’s really hard to try to message friends and family without even knowing if they are online (or if they EVER sign on, for that matter).

Contact and Hangouts organization

Contacts are now a bit more organized. You will be able to see your contacts separated in three categories: People you Hangout with, Suggested People, and Other Contacts. It is also easier to find your Hangout invites, as they are placed above your other conversations.

If that wasn’t enough, you can also simplify your contact list. You can hide contacts! Just press and hold on your contact and you will be prompted to hide him/her.

Download it and check it out!

I am honestly in love with this new update. It’s everything I have been asking Google for, and more. I have already received the update to version 1.2.016, but we know many of you haven’t gotten it yet. You can either wait the “few days” Google says it will take for them to roll out the update completely (Play Store link), or you can get the APK file from us!

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