
Since announcing Chromecast yesterday during their “breakfast” event, Google’s latest device has been flying off the virtual shelves. That demand has created a casualty though as Google pulled the Netflix promotion that provided three free months of Netflix service with a Chromecast purchase. Citing “overwhelming demand” that surpassed the limited quantities available from Netflix, the promotion was canceled just one day after the device was first available.

Pulling the Netflix promotion is a ding against Google and has generated some ill will. However, given the pace of orders which led to retailers like and Best Buy selling out and Google itself reporting a 3 to 4 week order fulfillment delay, it seems likely many of the early adopters were intent upon getting a Chromecast without regard to the promotion.

The bigger hurdle for Google now will be reports from buyers as they actually start to use the devices. If they perform as well as they did during Google’s demo, demand could grow for the device. If users have problems though, that could kill off interest just as fast as it was generated.

source: LA Times

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