Ticket Google Glass

And so it begins. We can’t help but feel this is merely the beginning of what will be a long string of Google Glass hating but we’ll try to remain hopeful. Even before its initial launch, we’ve seen the innovative device pass through  much dissection and scrutiny as bar owner Dave Meinert banned the device from his establishment stating “People want to go there and be not known … and definitely don’t want to be secretly filmed or videotaped and immediately put on the Internet“.

Well, now it appears the law is looking to put a pinch on the technology as well, alluding to the fact it’s a hindrance and a distraction to the driver. While I’m inclined to agree to an extent, one has to wonder how far will this go and what can be considered a distraction? The point of Glass was to allow the user to operate the device and get the info he or she needs hands-free which most users do with their cell phones anyway. However, even on a mobile device one has to pick it up, press a button, speak and then glance at the device to ensure speach to text was accurate.

As for the back story, Cecilia Abadie, a California resident received a ticket from a police officer for “driving with monitor visible to driver”. Cecilia certainly wasn’t ecstatic about the charge and wound up venting about it over on her G+ page, causing quite a buzz (see what I did there?). And while we’re sure she attempts to fight the fine we’re pretty certain the outcome won’t come out in her favor. This begs the question however, if this gets big enough will Google feel obligated to step in and offer its two-cents? Only time will tell. Our advice for now is to keep glass off the menu while driving from A to B. The fine is simply not worth it. Feel free to offer your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Google+

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