Bitwave Games
Genre: Action, Platformer
Platforms: Switch, Steam, PSN,
Release Date: July 6th, 2023
Where to buy: Here!
Price: $14.99 (10% off discount of $13.49)
Labelled as one of the greatest platformers subjectively on the NES is a bold claim. Honorably being up there easily as one of the best on the system that many have not have the chance to play. Gimmick!, also known as Mr. Gimmick in Scandinavia, is a platform video game created and published by Sunsoft that was first released in Japan for the Family Computer in 1992. The plot revolves around Yumetaro, a little green creature that was mistakenly given as a toy to a young girl. Yumetaro pursues the girl when her toys come to life and carry her away to another realm. The user must navigate Yumetaro through a number of stages, using the protagonist’s star-shooting ability to eliminate opponents and proceed through the game. The Famicom game offers a fair challenge, and very tight gameplay. With a lot of depth, exploration, truly showing how great the Nintendo Entertainment System could showcase. However US region consumers were not able to enjoy this charming game. Until now!

Gameplay is one thing that is the most important aspect to every game. Or experience in video game media. Or if that is held back, a strong story. Gimmick! is one of the more challenging games out there. Thinking you are playing a heavily focused platformer in a Kirby vibe, you are absolutely dead wrong. This game is different from that. Very different. Its rule system is set to careful usage of your star power, to bounce on, take out enemies, and get through the game with its dauntingly challenging style. If you are skilled it will feel very fun. If you are a casual gamer, your butt-cheeks are going to clap out the games favorite tune. Loudly. However this Steam port causes a lot of issues, that from the original game hangs a saddening low. Emulation performance. Which in this case feels laggy, control input is very delayed. The game originally felt very icy for platforming anyway, that is not my complaint, just combo inputs feel about 3.0 frames off. Which at first I figured I am just a old fart who is sluggish with games. This is revealingly was not the case. I tested the game on my desktop. Laggy. I went to my fancy 3050ti laptop, installed the game, still performance drops. This led to a lot of game play issues overall. (Aside note to those unofficial would be tech support persons, nothing was downloading, no other apps but Steam, and the game. Still framedrops.

In Closing:
Personally I would be screaming from the rooftops about this game. As it is a all time gem. However the representation at this time with this port of the game is not as strong as it could be, with a update or so, it will meet that spot I would love to see. Which is down right a shame. Many out there will not notice, or care about these issues, for myself whom played the original format of the game it does big time matter as natively it ran better then this. From buttery smooth, to sticky performance issues. At this time, I can only speak for the PC version for this situation. If the other ports are fine, aim for those. If others vouch to the letter for them. Or if you are mega bucks go buy the legit game online some where.