Activision publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg says games today are “ongoing and long-lasting,” likens consumer interaction with titles to that of dedication to a favorite sport or hobby.


Games today are many things. They are interactive stories, competitive arenas, and sprawling adventures. But to Activision, these elements come together to become “relationships” with consumers.

“Games are different, because they’re not disposable, they’re not one-time. They really are relationships,” Hirshberg told Venturebeat.

Hirshberg also noted that he believes consumer interaction with games today is similar to the way in which a person might enjoy a particular hobby or sport.

“The way you interact with a game has much more in common with the way you interact with a sport that you love, or a hobby that you love, that’s ongoing and long-lasting, than with how you watch a movie. Which you do for two hours and then you move on.”

Activision had a strong 2011. It published the biggest game of the year, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and also launched Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, selling over 20 million toys for it along the way. These efforts helped Activision post over $1 billion in profit during the year, its highest mark ever.

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Games are relationships – Activision” was posted by Eddie Makuch on Mon, 13 Feb 2012 09:06:03 -0800
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