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Lewis, Neil and that bloke who doesn’t check his facts discuss the latest gaming headlines and announcements, including:

Confusion over Wii U downloads
A Nintendo marketing exec seems to let slip that GameCube games will be available for download on Wii U. Is the team interested? What titles are they hoping for? And why did James sell his GameCube?

GoldenEye Reloaded confirmed
The Daniel Craig version of the classic N64 game is coming to 360 and PS3 with new modes and HD shinyness, and one of us is rather excited. Can you guess which one?

Sony working on virtual reality
The platform holder claims it’s experimenting with virtual reality games, but some of us aren’t too convinced the technology is going to take off. Geek points go to those who spot Neil’s Virtual Boy joke.

Mega Man Legends 3
More bad news for Capcom’s boy in blue as his latest adventure gets cancelled. Given the pain and misery he’s put Lewis and Neil through, the pair seem surprisingly sympathetic.

Microsoft: Our first-party games are the best
Once Lewis has finished choking on a mouthful of marketing bol- er, jargon, the team discusses whether there is any weight to Microsoft’s claims. Disagree with us? Write in and let us know!

Activision reinventing Guitar Hero
More words from Ernst Stavro Kotick on the demise of Guitar Hero and DJ Hero, and we try to come up with ways in which they might be able to revive the dead horse – or at least get it strong enough for another flogging.

Pre-orders begin for Star Wars: The Old Republic
EA gets ready to re-establish the evil Empire as it announces prices for the special editions and charges people for pre-orders, dangling a carrot of early game access from the stick of Cha-ching!

All this and more on the latest GameBurst News.

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