Alright today I got a hold of a copy of funky lab rat for the ps3. Now going into this i knew it was going to be a puzzle game which I don’t play those too often but this one was different,this one felt like a really cool game to try. The action is set in a lab, where players become Diego, a very cool, super-powered funky lab rat who decides it’s time to break free!

Player’s mission is to make it through the final lab gate by crossing over pits and overcoming obstacles! All the items must be carefully placed and synchronized for the escape to work. If your synchronization doesn’t work, you can try again by rewinding time so you don’t have to re-start the level every time. also you can fast forward if the level proves too difficult for you.

Its a really cool concept that not many games do, I mean it has been done but not like this. Some levels are actually pretty easy but it does get hard as you get a little bit ahead in the game.  Now graphically this game is just your basic puzzle game where you have to get to the end so graphics really don’t matter here. think mouse trap or something and you get the point. Its a nice little $10 game which I do recommend picking up if you want to waste some time and if your a fan of the puzzle genre. I did not get to try the playstation move for this game because I do not own one,but maybe in the future I will do a revised review on this to see how that works. The controls are spot on so no complaints there.

All and all I give this game a 4 out of 5…

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