
Although Google Glass is not yet in the hands of many owners and retail availability may be a year away, developers are moving full steam ahead with the development of apps. Fullscreen Labs has jumped into the fray with a new app called Fullscreen BEAM that enables users to upload videos from Google Glass directly to their YouTube account.

Like other apps we have seen, the process of “installing” the app really just consists of visiting a web site, signing up, and associating your Google Glass device with your account. Once that step is completed, Fullscreen BEAM app users can upload their videos straight to YouTube. A couple options are available, including the ability to mark videos as private when uploaded. Doing so might be a good idea for users who can review the videos at a later time to decide whether it is really something they want out in public. The app also has options to configure a user’s Twitter account so links to new videos can be tweeted automatically.

Check out the video below to see a small sample of how it works. If you are one of the lucky few with a Google Glass device, you can check out the app by visiting https://beam.fullscreen.net/about.

Click here to view the embedded video.

source: SlashGear

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