Hello everyone who happens to read this, as a Writer and open hearted journalist, I wanted to touch down on the thought of one thing, and one thing that is what makes this sort of thing worth the while. Freedom of speech and opinion. Now there is a bill that is being placed down based of viral websites as well as many more placed across the web, exception to those who paid big bucks to push this bill to benefit themselves.

“S.978 – A bill to amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes.”

For a full example: click here

Granted this is targeted towards mostly multimedia like showing concerts or music streaming like Lady GaGa’s newest album. On top of that Showcasing any footage without the companies consent, is well I can see the point and case with some publishers as well as record companies wanting to protect their products and items at hand. However, one thing that some use to borrow is Video game footage and well showcase their favorite things, and well disliked things, as well as bugs, or show off a tip they learned along the way for mostly newer titles. Now it is common practice to know full well if you do a review, it is even mentioned by companies, you can not show spoilers and Cut scenes spoiling any of the product to your viewers. That is a given.

Now some will ask, what is truly being taken away from viral showcases of said products via video game titles published within a few months of its release? Well your freedom of speech is intact, however, showing examples of game play footage, and other examples for your demonstration, is at risk, without the correct copyright to the footage and your Fair Use. Why is this happening? Well its pretty simple without me going past that 4th wall, its pretty straight forward, most sites do these reviews to gain hits on their sites, with those hits, make revenue, that in simple terms $$$ in there pockets. Therefore, that is where you come in, the more people publish reviews viral wise, the less resources (you , the hit to those major review websites) make. That is not good for them and makes them see this Law as a scapegoat and also bullying the little guy, is this clever timing? I will not disagree. At the same time I just shake my head and hope this law will not pass under the terms that well lets face it, there should be more then just 3 or 4 opinions about a game, and well sometimes verbally rambling off the game does not apply in this stance. While TheDailyGamepad.com at the moment  does publish Written reviews, we do in fact plan to explain boldly in the viral media and we do not want to be shadowed by any silly law on terms of Video Gaming Opinions and show casing Honest journalism. Lets face for all those who commit this crime the jails would be over packed, and it would smell alot like a damp basement. Bubba wants a fresh smelling jail.

I hope this post was under the eye of those who agree, freedom of choice is boldly by speech. Leave your feedback down below, and best of wishes,



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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