Final Fantasy XIV

The recent news of a delay for the PlayStation 3 version of Final Fantasy XIV may have disappointed eager fans. Producer Hiromichi Tanaka has stepped forward with word on why the delay is happening, and how Square Enix is aiming to fix the problem.

In an interview with VG247, Tanaka said the delay was due to PS3 RAM restrictions. “The main reason was the memory,” he said through his translator. “On the PC, they have enormous memory. For PS3, there’s a restriction. They are adjusting the memory size and customizing it; it took longer than we were expecting. But we’re really working hard to bring it out as soon as possible.”

The explanation probably doesn’t soften the blow for PS3 owners who have to wait an extra several months, but at least we know the cause. Besides, it could be worse — the 360 version is delayed indefinitely due to Microsoft’s Live policy.

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