Developer: Scraping Bottom Games
Publisher: Scraping Bottom Games

Genre: Rogue-lite, Action, Fantasy, RPG,

Release Date: Wednesday, August 9th 2017

Platforms: PC

Price: $19.99

Where to buy: Steam


This game was covered with a provided code from Scraping Bottom Games in purposes of review for this game, a humble thank you to them!

Ever wanted a game that was like a board game, a sandbox with plenty of spells, and role-playing elements? Did I get your attention? Good, Fictorum is a mixture of the lot with a great ideas in the works. It is a steep game in terms of challenge for new comers, but if you love a pack or two of enemies coming at you tossing spells right back it is good fun. Before I get any deeper the plot is straight forward to understand for those curious. You start off as a ass kicking Wizard. Who is simply seeking revenge. Due to the fact the game itself randomizes the experience your adventure would be a bit different then mine or another. So the story and plot blends in unusual ways.

The plot it self for my end was pleasant. I was not paying as much attention to it after a few bits into the game. I was too focused on sending spell swinging mages, knights and all sort of jerks into the shadow realm with my fireballs, and magical curiosity a plenty. Due to the games partial effects with destructible environments the games overall graphics take a backseat. It does have some shiny charm but that is not as focused. As it seemed they wanted a hectic experience to blossom from the outcome. Which that in itself does pay off for a very enjoyable game. The game gives out a good read for lore hunters out there with a rpg twitch in their system. Loot is perhaps the on going thing that keeps you running through each area along with the tavern/building destroying. Lets face it, if you just have a game where you destroy buildings, and from point A to Z, that will drag on a bit. Finding rare loot with all sorts of crazy status, and playing a balance with them. In itself is leaps and bounds more depth and keeps you going. Diablo 2, same idea, keeps you going, to earn epic loot and run Uber Tristram. Mind you I compared two completely different games, but both have the same concept. People want to feel powerful, want to find things to grow their ever growing power trip. Specially in loot games. I know if I had the same old pea shooter after awhile I would be bored out of my mind and want to look else where to spend my time. You do not get pea shooters luckily in this game. Instead you get a assort of fire,  storm, and ice mostly, with a mix and match attitude with over sixteen runes you shift too. Blending a little, or a lot of each to create a powerful blast of magic to wipe out buildings, and smite foolish foes. Most of the spells were fun to mess with once I unlocked or discovered some. I tossed a few ice multi-shots and felt like a badass, giggling evilly as buildings fell. Revenge has never been so much fun.

In Closing:

A game with a sandbox that has a ton of potential, Fictorum has Some good qualities with high replay-ability. If you ever wanted to be a super mage and just destroy buildings and enemies alike, give the game a try!

– Recommended-


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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