Metroid: Other M

After a fairly hefty wait, Metroid: Other M is finally hitting Wii shelves next week. The new issue of Famitsu magazine in Japan has the first review, and by and large it’s pretty complimentary — Nintendo and Tecmo’s collaborative effort got three 9’s and one 8 for a total of 35 points.

The sheer variety of moves available to Samus in Other M received adulation from nearly every one of Famitsu’s reviewers. “The Sense Move lets you move quickly and easily dodge attacks, which make the controls feel really good,” one said. “You occasionally lose track of where you’re going next, but that in itself is very Metroid-like. Switching to first-person by holding the remote vertically also works surprisingly well.” “There’s a wide variety of moves available, but Sense Move is by far the best,” another added. “It allows even casual gamers to enjoy the battles well enough.”

“It’s impressive how many moves are at your disposal, especially considering the lack of buttons,” a third editor wrote. “Switching to first-person instantly takes some getting used to, but you can use it in both exploration and combat and it gives the game a very fun Metroid-like vibe.”

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