I want to start off this review by saying this is the first time experiencing Fallout: New Vegas fully. I have played bits and pieces before, but could not get into it due to the sheer amount of bugs the game had at release. Thankfully, the ultimate edition does what the same suggests, and gives you the best of the game. This includes DLC, the patches that fixed lots of glitches, and more. Others may have a different view of this game based on playing a earlier version, so please keep this in mind!


The box art just screams play me.

“Fallout: New Vegas is just Elder Scrolls with guns.”

“Should be more like Elder Scrolls: New Vegas”

I heard these comments made so many times from Fallout: New Vegas launch, until even this day. It is from the same publisher, so it’s easy to see how many feel that way. Fallout 3 was my first fallout experience. I absolutely loved it. They hit the nail on the head of a post apocalyptic world. Fallout: New Vegas continues this feeling, continuing the formula Fallout 3 set. However, it feels like the developers played it safe this game. It almost feels like a expansion pack to Fallout 3. This is a shame, but when you think about it, how can you improve on one of the best RPG’s of the past 20 years? When you think of it this way, New Vegas delivers on expectations.

A big concern in the original was all the bugs, glitches, and stuttering. I can thankfully say while playing this, I rarely hit one of these situations. This game really impressed me with how many bugs were fixed. The infamous spinning floating head glitch seems to have disappeared, which is great, cause that gave me nightmares watching that. This game looks amazing. If you play this on a PC (Note: The review copy was played on a PC) you will see such a difference in visual quality. You actually feel like you are walking in this world, trying to find a way to survive and save everyone.

Audio was great. Music hit at just the right times to help you feel like you are in a desolate world. Voice acting was superb, and animal sound effects were great as well. No complaints here from me.

Gameplay is the same Fallout method you grew to love. Still have choices on everything you do and say.

The sheer amount of weapon options you have in this game is mind boggling. Don’t like using a knife? Use a gun. Don’t like a regular gun? Use a rocket launcher. Not a fan of that? Then just use a freakin’ laser pistol. Yeah, you read that right. A laser pistol! Along with the weapons, the level up system has been improved over the original also. There is so much to choose from, its overwhelming for a majority of the game.

What I loved about the game is that you could pretty much just talk your way out of any fight, any situation. Such a great touch, and I really hope they continue this type of customization for characters.

One of the very few negatives I have, is that while the story is great, the quests just really feel disconnected and not very interesting. Some are well done, but the majority that I did, I was not too interested in the purpose.

Still, for 40 dollars, you cannot go wrong. This will provide you easy 40-50 hours of gameplay, so you are paying about a dollar a hour of gameplay. How can you go wrong with that? You add the DLC included, that adds another 20-30 hours of gameplay, and this is a easy buy. You are basically paying for all DLC at a discounted price, and getting the game for free. Great value.

In closing, I enjoyed my time with Fallout: New Vegas, and the Ultimate Edition lived up to its name. An Elder Scrolls with guns this is not. This is another great franchise that deserves to stand along side them.

Score: 8/10

Now THIS is a hard choice.

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