If you weren’t able to pick up a Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition while they were available, it looks like you were out of luck. Bethesda’s Marketing VP Pete Hines told GameSpot at Quakecon that the studio hit the factory limit on making the editions, and it cannot make any more.

When asked about why the collector’s edition sold out so fast and why Bethesda hasn’t restocked it in several weeks, Hines told us that it wasn’t so much a case of making the edition rare–the factories simply did not have capacity to make more of them. He explained, “We reached a point where we’d go back to the factories and they were like, ‘guys, this is it, sorry. This is as long as we can run the lines and as many of them as we can make.’

He continued: “They’re being made today, it’s not like they’re done and sitting in a warehouse. [The factories would tell us,] this is what the yields say. I mean, we don’t make [the Pip-Boy Editions], and we’d go back to [the factories] and say, ‘Demand for this is insane, we’ve got to make more.’ And they’d move other projects off or shift stuff to other factories and it just came to [them telling Bethesda], ‘Final answer: sorry, this is as many as we can make.’ And we sold every single one of those that we could.”

Hines also told us that Bethesda had ordered a lot of Pip-Boy Editions–so many, in fact, that it eclipsed all other Bethesda limited editions released in the past. “We made a s**tload of Pip-Boys, and we went back and made more, and went back and made more. I keep seeing stuff about, ‘Oh, you only did a few thousand.” No–we did a ton of these things. I think we did more of these things than we did for any collector’s edition we’ve ever done, ever.”

The Fallout 4: Pip-Boy Edition includes a replica Pip-Boy device that’s able to hold your phone. It also includes other physical items such as a special case and a poster. It costs $120, but it’s sold out everywhere.

Fallout 4 launches on November 10 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. At Quakecon, we also asked Hines about the development of Fallout 4, and he told us that the studio had decided that the game would be set in Boston before Skyrim launched.

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