Developer: Shirogames

Publisher: Shirogames

Price: $9.99

Release Date:April 4, 2013 (Out Now!)

Where to buy:, Steam, Shirogames

With a simple nature, this game going into it, introduces the evolution that action adventure games grew into. As well as combining RPG elements into this interesting title. One thing to mention which makes the game all make sense is this. The game does not take itself seriously. There you go. Now the next tier of this review you are pondering, why this game? Simple, while it does not try to become any thing blockbuster, it simply takes all cliches, all fragments from Action RPG’s Such as Diablo, or a JRPG.

To provide comedic valve, which succeeding well in. I could sit here all day throwing out references, however why spoil the easteregg-fest I consider this game. Honestly the only thing I can say for this game is buy it. It is a short history lesson, but a lesson well taught. There are parts in the game in which test your brain, or your reflexes. All without overdoing it.

A few things I can say that are slightly a draw back in this game is the beginning’s issues with the textures. The artwork or the charm of the sprites are not a issue, however whenever I would move around the texture blocks would jitter removing that setting a slight bit. Past that coming into a 8-bit Gameboy world was fantastic. Elements to the game grow, building to a more challenging game. Dungeon puzzles lightly brush the surface when you enter its Zelda inspired segment to the game, while not overly hard to overcome. I found myself bouncing between genres like a pinball on acid. The yellow flag being the “cloud sword” when you defeat the dungeon boss. Giving you a hint things are about to transition over. While to a lot people will easily complain this game lacked game play. That however is not the point of the games overall effect. It is to demonstrate and display all segments of gaming. From presentation, to story delivery.

Cliche, but not taking itself seriously is really the key factor for Evoland. In the end of this all, I began to pop open some of my favorite games such as Zelda Link to the past, and Chrono Cross to give them a bold play through. Making me remember my routes. While yes a Nostalgia attack, who cares as long as you can remember a time of happiness where a world does not have to have amazing graphics or rushed deadlines you can play it through, then a few weeks down the line play it again. That is the transcript of a game worth remembering. This title hit all the right sweet spots of dedicated gaming.  Diving back int the Diablo reference in the game is during the middle bit of this adventure. Inspired by D3. I became sidesplitting amused by some of the useless armor names and fragments of gear you could equip by “loot” that dropped off enemies.

In Closing:

While a short experience it does work into a nice and humble game. Giving you the novelty of retro RPG games. We really loved the lasting effect the vibe it developed with us. Such as some infamous Final Fantasy scenes. This is why I would recommend this to anyone who loves unique and simple and fun games. Pick it up today!

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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