



E3’s Most Memorable Moments

Cover Story: Before E3 2012 explodes into being, we take one last look at our favorite E3 memories from years past.


ith E3 2012 and its inevitable glut of crazy game news bombshells only a few short days away, we’re taking one last look at the show that we’ve known over the years and revisiting our favorite moments. Sure, we’re there for work, but we’re fans of games, too. So we have plenty of fond memories of E3 from years gone by. These are just a few of ours — what are yours?

Jeremy Parish: The most vivid memory I have of E3, surprisingly enough, dates from a couple years before I actually began attending the show. Not that I take the opportunity to attend E3 for granted by any means, it’s just that there’s something a little thrilling about playing the role of spectator. Such was the case during E3 2000, when Konami unveiled Metal Gear Solid 2 running on the oh-my-god-how-can-any-game-system-be-this-powerful!? PlayStation 2. They didn’t dump a ton of info out onto the Internet or show off the game in a big theatre; instead, Konami demoed the game reel periodically at its booth, making footage of the game hard to come by for a while for those of us not on-site. And even once sites like IGN began hosting videos, their bandwidth — a far more precious resource in those days — couldn’t handle the demand. So I spent an entire day of work ignoring my day job in favor of hitting refresh over and over again, desperate to see the trailer. It was totally worth it, though. Did you see the way those melons exploded and ice cubes melted? Damn, son.

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