If the goal of Nintendo is to contentiously pull on the strings of my youth by re-releasing or remaking their classic catalog of games, they’re winning. Of course, the last time Star Fox showed up on a handheld platform its reception was very mixed. So instead of getting a new entry to the series, fans will be treated to a 3D remake to the classic Star Fox 64.

There are still some unique “enhancements,” if you will. This new version will take advantage of the system’s gyroscope so that instead of using the analog stick to control your ship, you can tilt your body while holding the system to perform that movement. Barrel rolls and tight turns are mapped to the system’s bumpers and the D-pad is used for performing special moves like loops. The visuals have also been enhanced to take advantage of the system’s hardware and 3D support. As for the gameplay, much of it remains intact. You’ll still traverse corridor-style levels that open up into a large arena during an end-level boss encounter.

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