Genre: Action, Hack and slash, RPG
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment Inc.
Publisher: Square Enix. Inc
Release Date: June 21, 2011
Languages: English

Platform: Windows PC, Xbox360, PS3

Price: $49.99 – 59.99

Buy it here:

Walmart PS3/360PC, Steam, Target, Gamestop, Gamersgate, Direct2Drive

The third installment of the Dungeon Siege series that was labeled since its PC beginnings as the “Diablo Killer” by PC Gamer had a lot of gamers on the platform at the time question it was truly a killer of the multi million dollar success that to this date still is majorly mentioned and played via Growing up I had a chance to play its demo, then after buying the game retail from a PC game dealer, and lets just say it had a lot of detail to many and I do mean many side quests and the chance to live that style of game play that was that of many Western RPGs you known and heard of.

Now with a big heart I can say as many will possibly muse about this game for times to come, it has its great things, and some minor faults. But all best sellers truly can not be perfect otherwise that would prove the impossible.

A plot begins as you play of four playable characters, which two descend from the Farmer from the first game. You play in the land of Ehb, a battle torn land in which some random chick is messing it to hell, and its your goal to smack the bimbo down, like all elite style and such, like a pro… and such! Centuries ago, when the empire of stars collapsed, the land of ehb became a refuge for the 10th legion. Your choice of characters are pretty straight forward and all offer something that I seen as team based for sure. Lucas Montbarron is a close range fighter, offers some paladin traits, pretty much a Tank by RPG terms. Anjali is a Mid range with some close range skills, think Amazon on steroids, add flaming naked body, and you got a new day dream. Reinhart Manx is a mixture of Close range Monk with a mage status. One of my favorites on the list of characters next to Katarina, a Ranger Gun witch style class, offering DPS style moves, as well as Support spells.

For this review I have played the PS3 version which for most reviewers always is ether a elitists stroke of keyboard and mouse or what have you. I have to say the controls are very responsive and the macro Action buttons (Square, Triangle, and Circle) responded when I needed them too, therefore, this game passed the pit-stop check with clean oil and fresh tires. Now a lot of mention about this game being a Borders gate / Diablo 3 clone. Where is Diablo 3 on the store shelves? Or is it wrong to borrow from good aspects of games and introduce them into a pretty darn good Action Hack n slash RPG? No of course not, brings and gives a game character. Now for some of the downside of the game at foot. It is plagued with a lot of backtracking and fetch quests, while it builds the game with something to do. All the quests in the game can be done within 2-15 minutes at a time and offer some decent loot, however while playing threw four times.

It was a tiny bit disappointing to see the lack of quests offered, as I think or assume the game was built to be a fast-paced title, and yes multiplayer and co-op is present in the game. Past couple of years we can softly say there was a nice collection of great dungeon crawlers like Sacred2 (yes it was good, play the PC Game!), Torchlight, and various of namesakes. Yes the games were modeled to dance with Diablo3’s fabled style of game play, but is it not nice to feel that experience early on with in these titles? Now on to the multiplayer, to most the crowning gem of addiction and community skull cracking. Is it good? Is it Bad, may you be a angel? All those questions are simply put, yes its pretty freaking good. I played as Reinhart, as some guy who sounded loud and annoying played as typically present a female character: Anjali. It was a fact the person had no clue what was going on or was trying to get a peek at the characters “Armor” as they would always run up to a wall and try to get it to zoom in. Gotta love mid age males I guess. The transaction of mixed combat and seeing how our classes helped one another was solid. The frame rates did not drop nor did I experience any lag whats so ever. Again Lag is based off the Peer to Peer in most cases or who is hosting the game. So put all those bit torrents of dirty pictures on pause, please.

The Landscapes and music are all really if not overly well done, the textures and little added touches are very nice. While most never really admire this, take a step back and just take a glance at the moving waterfalls and lively townsfolk. All a great asset to the games feel and presentation. Speaking of which, all is in a steam punk style. The voice acting in the game is what you call both good and linear, while some actors toke their role really seriously and brought depth, some did not delver it. With save spots almost every where in this game, it was a safe route for those newbie of Dungeon crawlers to wipe the sweat from their brow, I noticed every time I went near any cave, there always was a save spot. Every a save spot. Another point I want to being out was, though promise of elite loot, I found my self seeing a lot of less Blues or Artifacts then expected. It was nice to see 80% drop rate was for my class, but mostly commons and vendor trash. I hope for any new DLC we can see Loot infested packs. Some of the game to its defense makes and gives you a sense of godly like power over hordes, but still it would have been nice to see blues and rare items more presentable.

Closing Thoughts:

Its Back and Better then ever! While most of the game suffers from some short quests the game in a whole with the protental of future DLC proves that consoles can rock out Dungeon Crawlers and not fail. With fantastic visuals and a soundtrack to match this game can be the next reason  to play Co-op again. One more thing to note is the short range of selection of Skills you may advance, while I suppose its to meet with the whole action style of Hack and slashes, it might pose a threat to those who enjoy a deep skill tree system, fear not however It will pass over your mind and you will be deep inside of the game-play that is Dungeon Siege Three.


  • + Awesome scenery
  • + Multiplayer
  • + Creative Classes
  • + Fantastic Music
  • – Lack of Quests

A final Note, Get this game, it is freaking addicting!


  • DanVanDam


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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