Growing up with the brand name across all sorts of games I really do not expense a lack of need of the genre that is a Western RPG. Variations and variations of this table top format is set in stone. When a company bends the rules, fans out-spark and make sure there cries are heard. However within good taste and a cleaver sales pitch. From the introduction all the way to the graveyards you explore crypts, battle skeletons, and nasty Red Wizards. If you were expecting another “WoW” clone then please, feel free to be disappointed by your judgment. This game has a third person mmo style to it. However opens up range and freedom of movement in a “Dungeon” crawler style. Much like one of my favorite games of all time, “Baldur’s Gate Dark alliance.” In beta we are offered the following classes: Guardian Fighter, Devoted Cleric , and the Trickster Rogue. The Control Wizard was MIA in this run of the beta. As well as the Drow Race was missing. Personally my personal choice when always making a character. With the said races you are given Half Elf, Human, Dwarf, Tiefling, Halfings, and Elves.

The presentation for its first run of testing was AAA quality. Pushing out most of the production on the Press without a second thought. Frame rates smooth in most fishy spots I found hordes of enemies easy to over come as my Devoted Cleric(level 30 mind you). The game play is very Action based. As I mentioned before of the freedom. The quests were well written to us so far and had clever little puzzles along our way. Our favorite being the Clock Work Tower. Being able to customize your character or “toon” is as you expect, pretty detailed. Offering limitations to one aspect. Your mindset. You can bend twist pull out your nose, ears, the indents in your temples. The works. As seen in the game Perfect world I. Graphically the game in draw distances was beautiful. Presenting a great atmosphere. While many complained about how the game looked during my trips to town and just monitoring. I felt there opinion was invalid to a game in such early development via beta. So if you do hear anyone complain, please do not pay a single educated ounce to them. The game looked as great as it was. And helps those with low end rigs be able to handle this games frame rates, which is important. Plus who knows they could overhaul the engine and make you cry like a night at the opera. Shrug.


In closing so far we are grateful for the chance so far for the chance to try out the game and test the waters with others out there. All I can say is if you love Action MMOrpgs, you are in for one hell of a ride baby.

In closing a lot of folks pretty much asked questions we were going to ask the developers during the press event, so with that in mind we placed in the chat logs for the Q&A.






By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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