Developer: Arkane Studios

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

Price: $59.99

Release Dates:

Oct 9, 2012 US,

Oct 11th, 2012 AU+JP,

Oct 12th, 2012 EU


Masterpiece, is the defining word for a game that deserves that name. Dishonored is the new standard in what you think of a well made First Person Stealth video-game. Set in a fictional world of a industrial city of Dunwall, modeled after late 1800s-early 1900s London and Edinburgh. Exploration, stealth kills, full out creatively fun combat over whelms the freedom you are given to feel overpowered, or just a man passing through. The option to not kill a single soul is completely possible, just very hard to do so. In a good way of course.

The main character of Dishonored is Corvo Attano, the legendary former bodyguard to Dunwall’s Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, turned infamous assassin after he is framed for her murder. You are brought to the chopping block, but a mysterious friend gives you the old key in the loaf of bread, and the action floods in after that. Story, along with smooth combat. Voice to me is a hit or miss, with the long range of talent, it all sounded, great. However hearing a few dozen American voices among a English alley way, made me scratch my head a few times. Past that, and a awesome soundtrack by Dan Licht, the sound department was done justice.

Game play is a fusion of a stealth game meets a action first person shooter(think Deus Ex, meets Thief). As the game suggests. Mix both, or apply ether in this case. For this regard the AI in the game is challenging in a combat format. Requiring you to have timing. Blocking applies open spots to strike down enemies. Another approach to combat us using your skills. Abilities you unlock with locating Runes throughout each location you may visit, from some rustic streets of a London like location. To a large full on protected fortress. Every ounce of the levels are well thought out, and has secrets and ways to path. Minor tasks are also brilliant. In the terms if you do one thing it changes the perspective of tasks or outcome to your conclusion of the story. High chaos leads to well, what you do such as killing or committing acts of violence. Rats, will swarm areas in a sense of “ooh food!”

The Skills in the game are as followed:

Supernatural abilities are granted to you by The Outsider. No not Kevin Nash or Scott Hall. But a figure that appears to you from time to time to go over your story thus far or forewarn you from events ahead. Below are direct links to explain the abilities a lot better then I could. Personally my favorites are Blink, and Dark Vision.  Which were perfect for my play style to sneak, knock a guy out then move ahead.



  • Vitality – increases health and its regeneration.
  • Blood Thirsty – allows the use of adrenaline to take out targets with brutal fatalities.
  • Agility – allows the user to jump great distances and sprint faster.
  • Shadow Kill – turns enemies to ash when killed.

Along obtaining the runes through hidden locations or hard to reach places you also find Bone tolems, or Whalebone Charms which have passive abilities that help improve traits to Corvo. Example, one allows you to have recovered health while using water fountains located all out the game. Which comes in handy if you fall down, or a few enemies toke a hunk out of your hip.


In Closing:


I did not once discover any sort of bug, glitch, or any of the sort through the PC copy of the game. Again I would like to thank the team 47 in allowing me the chance to cover this classic amazing game. Fanboy-ism aside. The music, the game play, elements unexplained make this one of those rare treats where you know love was put into this game. When you see and feel it, its like a comfort food. However in digital format.

The dark tone of this game as well as the environment provide a land scope of how the story plays out. If you decide you do not want to kill a soul, it would be more challenging, but your landscape will lead into a cleaner location/s. The freedom is wide open and just great to blow through. I do hope content in the future released is such as long missions. As well as huge explorable locations. Overall, GET THIS GAME!

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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