Jan 6th, 2011

Coming into the new year usually strikes new beginnings,  plenty to discover and learn from. While I am not a hardcore FPSgamer as most top notch screaming ADD infused junkies care to share about. I do like to play a well produced and enjoyable multiplayer FPS game. This game is Dice’s own Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for Xbox360. For much hype and excitement I was glad they were releasing more content and new maps and themes. But that surely came to a crashing halt. The Vietnam Expansion/ Add-on for BC2 was finally out hearing all kinds of new weapons and less Fogs of war covering the battlefield, I was surely producing a chubby like no other. Finally I had some Microsoftpoints to purchase the add-on and be able to experience the new bit of content that might give me endless amounts of orgasmic enjoyment. The Vietnam add-on is located on the side of the actual main-menu, and as soon as you highlight it with your game-pad it will change the menu theme and give you this gritt and green puke colour’ed sub menu. Okay I see their trying to make it look like the tropical locations for the game. But man let me tell you I was in for huge disappointment.

~Now for a disclaimer I am not here to complain about lack of Modern equipment in this content, nor the planes, crafts or any perspective as I know this is set in the 60’s where that does not exist. So please Can it.~

My first complaint is for the Rush and Conquest Maps, They are incredibility small!

Someone could add yes it was mostly close courters combat for that time period of war but Give me more breathing space and less spots for 12-year-olds to Camp in Dice.  Though the lack of Acog scopes and a few pieces of equipment I know do and did exist for the time periods I wished we could have access to Scopes for our weapons other then the  sniper rifles. That freedom to customize and tweak your weapons besides simple sub perks on your Class selection is what made BC2 so much exploration enjoyment in leveling and advancing your career.

Overall My few gripes were the maps being sorta Camper friendly then the former perspective of BC2. The Weapons felt bland and boring to truly work with. And after a few dozen hours of it all I went back and played the old content of BC2 regretting my Purchase for  the said add on.    In closing, would I argue do not buy this? If your into linear themed content, that only appeal to hardcore Battlefield fans who would more then likely defend anything EA/Dice throw out at you? I wouldn’t suggest any such thing due to my hype in the first place can construct a fair assessment on someones spending habits. Heres’ hoping Dice can do better, next time.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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