
According to reports out of Korea, Samsung has nearly completed development of what will be the first 64-bit chip in their Exynos lineup. While there are still a few technical and logistical issues to iron out, barring any crazy set backs the new CPU will debut in the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Rumors say the chip will utilize a 14nm process and be based on ARM’s big.LITTLE platform, much like the current Exynos 5 octa. The eight-core chip would deploy Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57 cores with the ability to push all cores simultaneously while offering reduced power consumption.  It would mark the first time Samsung has offered a 64-bit processor in one of their smartphones.

It would not, however, be the first smartphone to utilize a 64-bit chip. That honor goes to Apple with the A7 CPU found in the iPhone 5S (and now iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display). While the need for 64-bit processing at the mobile level has been a topic of debate, more manufacturers appear committed to moving in that direction. Count Samsung among them.

[via ITToday.co.kr]

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