Rated: Mature

Genre: Action RPG
Developer: Eidos-Montreal
Publisher: Square Enix.
Release Date: Out now!
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation3, PC, Onlive, Steam


Today were covering the Playstation3 copy of this game. Everyone who hyped this game did indeed ether play the first title named “Deus Ex”, or the second title in the series, “Deus Ex: Invisible Wars. If you did not, well this game takes place before the events of those two titles, so you are safe. In Human Evolution, you are Adam Jensen, a exp-cop turned Security specialist. You become the company your working fores test subject, and well become a freaking death machine.


Game play is well four “pillars” as in fact how Edios-Montreal explains it. Stealth, Combat, Social, and Hacking, are your 4 options of playing the game through. There are so many ways to play this game it welcomes all gamers who enjoy the styles projected above. Below I will explain each of the styles and give my opinions about them.

Combat: For the standard FPS gamer of todays date, you will expect arcade style combat, not in this game kiddo. Complimenting Stealth, planning and taking cover is your key in this game if you choose to ignore the rest of the elements. As for the combat of the game there are plenty of mods for guns as well. The game does feature the cover system like introduced in the game Killswitch, and Brothers in Arms:Hells highway. Now this to me is a staple feature for a lot of modern shooters, if you got a waist high wall in front of you. A dozen of enemies behind that, let me fully duck and hug that freaking wall!

Very responsive in all aspects the controls for most firefights were pretty straight forward. Being able to elbow a random guy with a elbow blade is so, so satisfying.

Stealth: A lot and I do mean many that frequent forums, ask “is it possible to go through the whole game without killing anyone?” The answer aside from Boss fights, yes you can. I tested this out and lets say it makes the game much longer haha! Stealth kills are ether clean and kept, or freaking brutal. If your planning on sneaking with trying to locate all hidden items in the game, good luck. In my first play through I mixed Combat, and Stealth, very satisfying.



Social: As such would assume, this is one of the most complex systems in the game. You would ask why? Well its about what they want to hear vs what your morals are, that make most complications in this game ether a breeze , or a nightmare. What you say, can be used against you or for you. Simple as that, it is well composed of how it reflects the gameplay. As this mode for me, fun.

Hacking: Every script-kiddies wet dream. In a simple and challenging mini game! As it variously is different, information in this game is the ruler of the fast track and it takes some time to go get the items, over just busting the door down, its rewarding to be able to crack a computer and snack that code required to get some loot. Mmmm Loot. As I mostly found ways to sneak through the game and lightly combat, the Hacking system is a good challenge over time and adds some more color to the already fantastic over view of the game.

Now with those aspects mentioned, there is a lot to this game, which I will not spoil storyline wise.

As this game is themed from, you can customize yourself, not just your weapons. Limb shops, which give you new items to enhance you and your play style, offer items to give you stat point items that are used to upgrade your skills, as well as unlock new items as well. Moving through out the world you will come across what I call a Metroidvania issue where unless you have a certain technique,your sitting like a duck in a well, your just sitting there ducky! Objects can sometimes be moved with just simply lifted and moved away allowing you access to vents or holes in the side of whatever is there. Secrets are a big part of this game and it takes a few runs to get just about them all to even mention to your friends after. The item system is that of what you seen from the older games and well the super classic, Diablo. Augmentations allow you to access many things in the game more or less impossible to obtain by normal means. If you want a lot of sprinting time, just upgrade your legs and start running mister! The game does offer bugs here and there, but these are pretty much not even game breaking at all. And most likely will be addressed with updates. For example, I see the same freaking liquor store more then I would see a Starbucks, oh wait, that is not a bug, just a depression suppressor. Never mind forget what I just said. As most will start the “The PC games graphics are superior to the console ports”. What I say is this to those master race people:


Me: Is the experience about the gameplay and the enjoyment over all?

Them: Yes!

Me: Are you having fun nor truly fondling the monitor every mouse click and W.A.S.D. press you ascend into the game?

Them: Why would I do that?

Me: Exactly! Have a Coke, have a Smile and…


Well the rest resorts in a lot of yo mama jokes and neck beard flailing. I will clearly say the game looks very good and I understand what companies have to do to fix these games on the consoles. Down scaling has to happen. As long as the game is fun I can careless about the graphics. However, I can say for PS3 owners it still looks good.


The storyline is to be suspected, it is what you make it to be. If you plan to just rush through the game ignoring all side quests, then well it will feel dull. If you sit and play every single sub story, and absorb the depth of the game it will blow your mind. If they put every inch of the story in, expect another freaking Metal Gear Solid 4: the Son of the Gun Long ass story Substance, snake consumer. The gameplay mixes first person shooter machincs with third person cover systems. Mixed together quite well might I add. The world in the game is that of many elder scroll games the exception your in a Bladerunner style landscape, and its all cyberpunk action. Sorry no insane androids for you! The game is open world to a point allowing you to explore passages, and buildings, that contain various items and are used for many quests offered. Think gloomy underbelly of a futuristic world and you will be pretty square. Every thing was breathe taking to glance at and yes some of the textures and areas somewhat repeat, not the end of the world.


The voice actors are variant, meaning some were fantastic, others felt like fillers, and did not give that strength as the others presented. For example, Adam Jensen had a amazing voice actor, that could replace the waves sound track I have in my CD alarm clock and smoothly place me into grunty relaxation along with that narrator from Bastion, if you put those two on the same CD, I would never need to worry about those 10 dollar Ocean sound effect CDs again! (compliment)


Overall I give this game:



  • Detailed and great story
  • replay-able to the max!
  • Great voice actors for key roles
  • a lot to explore and sightsee.
  • Elbow blades!!!
  • Killer soundtrack
  • Good length


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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