Join us on Twitch later today for some medieval jousting!

Today, at 8:00PM GMT (that’s 1:00PM PST, 4:00PM EDT), we’ll bring you the second installment of’s original show to our official channel.

After last week’s off-beat pigeon adventure we have decided to change it up a bit and bring you one of the old-school classics this week. To arms, noble Saxon knights, for the Norman dogs bark at our gates! Defender of the Crown, a 1986 turn-based Amiga gem will be taken for a few spins by Rurikhan, a Twitcher known for taking on the toughest games out there.

Join us later today at 8:00PM GMT on our official channel to see our second Twitch show. Subscribe and stay with us, to find out what shows we have in store for the coming Thursdays and what other fantastic hosts did we invite to our channel.

Not exactly Twitch-savvy? No problem! You’ll be able to see the whole thing right here:

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