
Earlier today Steve Kondik took to Google+ to talk about think out loud in regards to an ever popular topic of conversation: mobile security. As we see malware threats come and go, it comes back to just how secure one’s device really is. As more apps try to take advantage of folks and security exploits, people are growing paranoid with their personal data. Some read app permissions carefully, while others, like myself, just blow through them. Earlier builds of CM even developed a way to allow users to pick and choose which app permissions they were comfortable with. This idea of permission picking was short lived however as it caused instabilities and took trust away from app developers. Some have taken to say that the CyanogenMod team really isn’t looking out for its users but as Mr. Kondik replies:

“Proponents of the patches say that CM isn’t looking out for the users. I think these patches are just more security theater and don’t really solve a problem. Why do you want to run malicious applications anyway?”

He raises a good point. Why would we want to install malicious apps? Some people may do so on accident and this permission picking could essentially be a safety net but it wouldn’t solve the bigger issue: mobile security as a whole. So with that, Cyanogen has taken to the community in hopes of hearing ideas of increasing security while avoiding “smoke and mirrors.” So if you think you have a good idea on how to do just that, hit the source link below to voice your idea. While one option would be to split CM and create a secure, martial-law style version of the ROM that only helps a small group. Your ideas may help avoid that while helping everyone.

source: Google+

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