
If bleeding edge, occasionally buggy Android software isn’t exactly your thing (I’m looking at you, Raveesh), CyanogenMod might have your back. The team that recently raised 7 million in funding to go full-time has now announced that they’re finally ready to move past the RC (release candidate) phase, and onto a stable release.

CyanogenMod 10.1.3 is just that release, hitting their servers and ready to download for a handful of devices. Not only does 10.1.3 bring stability into your wild and crazy Android life, but it also introduces CM Account for remote wiping of lost devices amongst other nifty stuff. And while their once custom Android camera app Focal wont be making it into the stable release, you can still give it a download in the Google Play Store.

CM mentions that this will be the last ROM based on 4.2.x, as they begin work on 4.3 (CM 10.2), while looking ahead to Android 4.4 KitKat in the future.


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