The story. The game. The movie?

One of the most haunting gaming experiences of all times, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, a psychedelic Sci-Fi thriller inspired by Harlan Ellison’s short-story by the same name, has been brought back to life by the relentless Nightdive Studios, and is now available for only $5.99 on This is one of those times in the history of our classic catalog, that really calls for a special celebration! You know how we like to celebrate, right? By giving you something special! This time, we offer you the chance to get a very special I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream original box set, containing the CD edition of the game, a user manual, and–*drumroll*–a mousepad signed by Harlan Ellison, himself!.

We propose a competition. Or two, actually, as we have two such sets to give away at this time. How Night Dive managed to acquire them is quite the mystery, as Mr. Ellison isn’t known for being a particularly social person (not unlike many other brilliant writers), but the fact is we have them, and we’re quite happy to part with them (that’s a lie), as long as they end up in the hands of our creative users (that part’s true).
How to get your hands on this gaming treasure, you ask?

So, there was the short story, then there was the game. By the rules of entertainment convergence a movie should have happened at some point, right? Well, somehow it didn’t. We want to correct this, at least partially. We want you, to design a movie poster for “Harlan Ellison’s I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream: The Motion Picture” (PG-13!). Please include essential info on the poster, like: who’s the director? Who’s playing who? Who’s voicing the sinister AI? You know, stuff like that. The author of the best looking, most creative poster gets one of the box sets.

Don’t feel comfortable enough with your photoshop skills? Don’t fret! There’s still the second box set you can get. All you need to do is to write up a short voiceover for an imaginary trailer that would go with the said movie. Again, including the name of the director and your own cast is a good idea.

Post your entries in the forums, below. We’ll choose one best entry in both categories. The submission deadline is Wednesday, September 25, at 10:00AM GMT, which gives you almost a full week to work on your entries. Depending on the number and the quality of entries, we might award some runner-up prices. As usually, the contest is not region-limited. Please make sure to remember about the “PG-13” rating of our imaginary movie. Turn on that creative thinking, and get cracking on your entries. Good luck!

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