It’s our birthday, and we’ll rap if we want to!

‘Cause you know our rhymes are wack
Feel the beat–you can’t go back
It’s a free game rap attack
If you wanna win then take a crack, as you possibly know, has turned five. In celebration of us turning five, we like to have gifts for you–let’s face it, if not for you, we wouldn’t be here. So check out the embedded below with our mad phat beatz yo, laid by MC Enigmatic and the famous DJ Russkat, and then if you’re inspired, feel free to drop us lyrics of your own! We’ll collect all of the best lyrics and award up to four people 5 games of their choice in exchange for their permission to use their lyrics in a proper GOG Birthday Rap video. We may even spring for proper moving pictures for the next one!
Please send us all of your submissions by Friday 20 September 2013 at 0900 Eastern time to enter into the contest.

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