The Federation of German Consumer Organizations looking to challenge Valve’s stance in digital trade-ins in court before the end of the year.


A German consumer organisation has confirmed that it intends to take Valve’s digital distribution platform Steam to court before the end of the year.

The Federation of German Consumer Organizations, known as the VZVB, is seeking legal action regarding Steam’s inability for its customers to resell bought software. The group previously announced its intentions to sue Valve back in February.

“Unfortunately a date of the trial is not fixed, we hope it will take place this year,” said the Federation’s representative Eva Hoffschulte (via Gaming Blend). “Until then, it is not realistic that Valve will change their policy.”

Hoffschulte says that if the case reaches court then it is likely that Steam users would be able to trade in their games. “Our chance to win the process is very good and that will be really an improvement for consumers: then they can sell their games to others.”

The VZVB adds that it is unaware of any current intentions by Valve to change its stance regarding users being able to resell games. “We have not checked the current directives, because first we have to finish our lawsuit against Valve. Over and above that we are not able to take action against Valve, because of our financial and personnel situation.”

“We are aware of the press release about the lawsuit filed by the VZBV, but we have not yet seen the actual complaint,” said Valve in February. “That said, we understand the complaint is somehow regarding the transferability of Steam accounts, despite the fact that this issue has already been ruled upon favorably to Valve in a prior case between Valve and the VZBV by the German supreme court. For now, we are continuing to extend the Steam services to gamers in Germany and around the world.”

A judge previously ruled in 2010 that Valve’s refusal to allow users to trade in their games did not violate German law.

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Consumer group hopes to take Valve to court in 2013 over digital trade-ins” was posted by Martin Gaston on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 09:14:04 -0700

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