The quest for coin and cleavage!

The Bard’s Tale, the shining pinnacle of comedy among cRPG, bundled with its three classic DOS-era predecessors, is available 60% off on That’s only $3.99 for the next 24 hours!

Let’s talk about career choices in fantasy realms. You can be a knight, always overburdened by his full plate armor, never able to sneak up on his foes. Plus, your honor code won’t allow you to take money for your deeds of valor. You can take the path of wizardry, dooming yourself to all the health hazards that come with handling all the poisonous ingredients needed to cast the simplest of spells. Not to mention the smell! Having your pockets always full of bat dung, just in case you need to cast a casual fireball, never made anyone popular with the ladies. Rangers? Sure, you get to spend much time outdoors, which is supposed to be healthy, but trust me: a lifetime of sleeping in a bedroll on the damp forest floor will leave you with a hell of rheumatism in the old age. A proper bed is a much wiser choice. Even more so, if it’s kept warm by a frivolous girl. Some coin is always good, too. My advice–forget all other professions, grab a lute, and be a rockstar. Um–I mean: a bard.

The Bard’s Tale delivers solid cRPG gameplay, a vast fantasy realm to explore, tons of quests to perform, and hundreds of items to loot. By all means this is a fully-fledged role playing game, but that’s not what it’s famous for. Brilliant comedy is where this game truly shines among all other titles in this genre. With excellent writing and fantastic voicing done by Cary Elwes (of The Princess Bride fame) as the Bard, and a gaming voiceover veteran, Tony Jay as the Narrator. There’s an extra treat for the die-hard old-school computer RPG fans included with this release as well: the classic Bard’s Tales 1, 2, and 3 DOS-era hard-as-nails games.

A fantasy land full of adventure, humor, gold, girls, and moderate danger that wouldn’t pose much threat to a battle-hardened adventurer, awaits you in The Bard’s Tale, for only $3.99 on Don’t wait, because the 60% off discount offer lasts only until Tuesday, October 15, at 9:59AM GMT. Don’t forget: with your purchase, you’ll receive a FREE copy of The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. That’s two classic action RPGs for less than half the price of one!

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