First off, I just want to say I hope everyone made it through Sandy okay. I live in NY, so we got hit quite hard actually. Some downed trees, and some flooding. I personally had a power outage or this review would of been out sooner, I apologize for the inconvenience. Now, to the review.

I am usually not into the “Under the radar” games. I usually never hear about them until they are either dead, or someone has told me enough about it that I can make a opinion. So when the chance to review this game was brought up, I jumped on it. I’ve never really been playing a game before the news and hype/rants come from others, so a chance to look at a game with a fresh perspective was nice. At the end of the day, what I received was a mixed bag.

Clan of Champions is in no way a bad game. It actually does a lot of things right. I am a huge multiplayer PvP guy, and this game for sure has that. 3v3 is the main way of fighting in this game, and it is actually fun with some friends. The game does have a single player, but it is mostly just subbing in a AI for the missing players. So, without a doubt, this game is better played with friends. You can also customize your fighter in nearly every way, which may appeal to some.

The thing I love about this game is its setting. I absolutely LOVE this era. Good ol fighting with swords, metal clanging on armor….nothing beats it….well, except maybe the soprano’s, but thats a personal preference.

The coolest thing in my opinion is the fact you can pick up armor..and use it…right from dead peoples bodies. Sure, this sounds like it’s been done before, but it is presented differently in this game. Once your armor breaks, its gone. You NEED to salvage the gear from your enemies in order to complete your objective. This may sound stupid at first, but it really works quite well in concept.

Now…the bad. The character animations are REALLY stiff. I mean real stiff. It kills the mood for me quite a bit, and makes me realize I am not a ancient fighter. The graphics are okay, nothing mindblowing, and certainly nothing new. Bland textures, and bland character models really hold this one back from popping. As always too, the combat turns into a repetition fest really fast. While fun at first, that fun soon withers away, and you are left with the same combat engine as almost any other game in this genre.

I would love to comment more on the online, but while I was playing, the servers rarely worked, so as far as lag and connection, I cannot comment.

Overall, this game is average. A game doesn’t have to be revolutionary to be good, but it has to function. That is my problem with this game. It barely functions at times. Maybe in time, with content updates, this game can hit it’s stride, but as of right now, it’s a diversion title for me.


Rating: 6/10




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