Developer:Semi Secret Software


Price: $2.99

Release Date: Out Now!

Platforms: PSP, PS Mini, Psvita

Keep it simple, Duh!” Is a code of honor for most developers in today’s App market. If you make it too troubling to understand your customer will lose track of what the hell is going on even before the first chapter rolls out. Easy enough for me and you, this game has to be the most simple to pickup and play next to the cult flash hit “Robot Unicorn”. The story is well you awaken to a invasion and you need to run like hell to survive as long as possible.


While the gray scale graphics both simple, yet detailed and fantastic to glance at are in multiple layers. This cake if you metaphorically wish to call it that, has the fork. You only need to eat it. You simply jump, that is it. The game moves on its own. You control a character that looks like he is running away from the declining stock market. While happening to see robots and there many parts fall from the sky to try to prevent your progression. The game it self tracks how far you reached.

Addiction is the only one word I think of delicately to crown this game. I found myself spending close to a hour straight just playing. At first assuming there was a pattern you needed to overcome. However, I was dead wrong. The game generates random bits to the track you must ether take note “ok this crumbles, while this rooftop has boxes. “ All of that scales into your mind, making you a veteran of skill within 3 minutes. Twitch gaming is on top of the food chain in any bracket. It being Call of duty having fast reflexes against other players. To the simple nature of Canabalt. While the price range at first may seem a little high. It is well worth the investment if you own a new Play station vita or classic PSP. Both of which display this compact game well. Specially on that long train trip. Oh yea PS3 gamers, you can play this too. Just Sayin’.




By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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