If you are anything like me you wait for the day that the next Call of Duty game is announced. Why? Because of the hope that it will be better then the previous version. While this was almost the case when Modern Warfare 2 was released nothing has surpassed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Will the next iteration in the COD series be able to hold a candle to either COD4: MW or MW2?

Most likely we will be waiting till this November to find out for ourselves. But we will know more for sure come Tuesday, May 1st, 2012. As the picture, from callofduty.com, above states the World Wide reveal of the next COD game will be during the NBA Playoffs on TNT. There are two games on Tuesday: Philedelphia vs Chicago starting at 8pm Eastern and Denver vs Los Angeles starting at 10:30pm Eastern.

As you may have seen there are hundreds of rumors about the next COD game already floating around the internet. Stay tuned as I will stick with the facts and bring them to you as soon as they are made public!

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