Covering this sort of material is always a optional thing to many customers. While the tease of many things to come always gets whispered from these promotions one thing is clear, its for the most dedicated of the Call of Duty fans. What is Call of Duty Elite have to offer? Think of a “Facebook” for Bro-Gamers…

You Post your Clans, have people join them, gain experience for that clan. Level the clan, get little perks such as experience and titles to swag around to unknowing players. To this many of those premium subscribers to this service get a reward of 9 months or so on of DLC maps to play around with, test and submit there input to allow when released to be finely tuned to meet the demand of the cries. Along with this review I will also discuss the first two maps released for those who owned this before January 24th.

The DLC #1 Pack contains maps called Liberation, and Piazza. Liberation is based in a urban park in Manhattan New York. While Piazza is based in Italy. Both contain a feel of a certain play style. Allot of people will become frustrated by Liberation. Simply put its a Snipers paradise. Featuring many holes or snipers or campers to take borrows and sit and pick off run and gunners. While the size of the map is impressive, looks great. Its also not our consideration for being a team death-match style of map. Its size, and holes to hide in would be a more if not a honest selection for objective styles of game play. The map features easy to spot and mention locations such as a fountain, a castle and the sea side. Which for allot of teammates is easier to follow and know pin point locations of enemies if playing in Search and destroy, or other hardcore based game modes as hud is not really open to you. Next is Piazza, a run and gunners resort, with plenty of umbrellas for your cold drink next to that beautiful clean sky, by sky I mean its a maze like open location that makes it almost hard to be a sniper. The funny thing to note about these maps are they are polar from one another. As this map has allot of staircases and a ton of walk ways to over look the location. By far one of the more beautiful bright areas we seen from all of the maps so far.

What do I think of this service? Well it does offer a great space for clans. To advertise is tricky in a large crowd of gamers of different interests via you tube, or where ever else. The service via web browser works great, but sometimes does crash if you try to access a few things and pushes you to the start screen of the App. It is a work in progress to say the least. At first it is tricky to navigate but once I figured out the whats and where I was inviting friends to my clan and slowly raising my clans rank to almost level 3! As stated before hey mentioned every month you gain a new map(by this, we mean only one per month) to play through elite. Then it becomes public for a fee to those without the Vip treatment. So in closing I would say unless you are dedicated and want to experience the new maps early on, get this service, it allows you to spend 30% less on the DLC such as Maps. But in the long run it will not enhance your game. Just give you some tips, early on map access, and allot Bro to bro time with your clan mates.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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