
Users looking for something a little different when it comes to launchers on their Android devices may have installed Buzz Launcher. To help continue the growth of the product, the developers are sponsoring a contest for designers and users (known as Buzzers) to design, share and rate their favorite homescreens. The ability to share and install homescreens is one of the features that sets Buzz Launcher apart from your typical launcher apps. Unlike most launchers, if you find someone who has developed a homescreen you really like, instead of manually replicating it you can just grab it off the Homepack Buzz Service.

The contest is open to users in two different categories. The bulk of the prize money, $8,000, is available to designers for their creations in the following categories:

  • Grand Prize – $5,000 and design will become part of Buzz Launcher‘s default Homepacks
  • Buzzer’s Favorite – $1,000
  • Most Trendy Design – $1,000
  • Most Practical/Functional – $1,000

If you don’t have any creative abilities when it comes to developing homescreens, you still have an opportunity to win some cash by sharing your favorite homescreens. Up to $2,000 will be made available to end users who record the most “shares”, with three $300 prizes being awarded to the top sharers.

The contest runs through July 15, 2013 and winners will be announced on July 22, 2013. If you don’t have Buzz Launcher, check out our hands on video below.

Click here to view the embedded video.

source: Homepack Buzz

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