It’s been roughly two weeks since Borderlands Game of the Year Edition hit the market, but the promised level cap increase has yet to materialize. Gearbox recently posted an update on the patch’s whereabouts on its official forums.
“The Title Update is finished and in the process of being reviewed for launch. We are almost green lit across the board for this free update to be launched, but we still need just one more light to turn green,” wrote Gearbox marketing coordinator Adam Fletcher. “In other words ? we’re almost there! We expect that last light to turn green within a couple of weeks, possibly sooner. Once this happens, the Title Update will be made immediately available for all platforms.”
The title update will raise the level cap to 58 for all players, and 69 for those who own the The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. It will also scale enemies and item drop to the new level cap after players have completed their second playthrough.