Developer: Zombie Studio’s
Price: UK £10, US $15
Platforms available for;
(PC) Steam, Windows Live Store

Today I’m going to review Blacklight Tango Down for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC but in this review I will be reviewing the PC version of this game. When Zombie Studios first announced this game they Promised to deliver things you would find in a fully priced AAA First Person Shooter which is usually priced at £40-£45 at launch for a price of £10 or $15 as a down-loadable package, Which is usually the price you would usually expect to pay for good DLC in the market places of consoles, Today we are going to find out if they delivered what they promised.

“Ingame Advertising?”

When you look at Blacklight Tango Down the only thing that can come to your head is its a Multiplayer title with little or no story at all but it does feature a CO-OP mode which you can go with 4 friends or even go it alone but with only 4 maps to play though it doesn’t feel like much of a campaign and with no cinematics or storyboards to back up what’s going on, players can feel a little confused but the campaign is very action orientated and with they helmet giving guidance to where the next objective is placed players wont get lost at all.

While this is good and everything it feels like your standard campaign in a FPS which doesn’t bring anything new and innovative to the table apart from the interface although thinking about it didn’t we have a though the helmet view in other titles such as Halo: ODST (Xbox 360) or even Metroid Prime (GameCube) so in actual fact it borrows things from most FPS’s.

But the main issue with this does have pros and cons is that there is no actual matchmaking or dedicated servers for the CO-OP section of the game which means you have to have friends on your friends list to play though and even though it sounds negative at least your not going to get random strangers turning up to ruin your game.

But even though it sounds negative here is the positive, what it does deliver is a strong Multiplayer component which is extremely well optimised and is quite similar to what you would expect in Modern Warfare 2 with similar weapon customization and similar textures you would find in Halo ODST.

When it comes down to Multiplayer you have 7 Game Modes to play, 12 maps to choose from and a call of duty style levelling system which allows you to unlock weapons and equipment, these can consist of gun upgrades or even different suits of armour, But my main issue about the multiplayer is the lack games running meaning I could be searching for absolutely ages and still it wont come up with any games running and even if you manage to end up in a lobby you need 6 players to start the game which can be rather disappointing at times.

But once you get a game started players can change their weapon loadouts while they wait for the game to start and once in game it may as well be called MW2 Jr but it is not a bad thing as it has fast action that should draw those player in. The only major draw back is that when matchmaking selects players, it selects players of all levels meaning higher level players have a better advantage in game, so lets recap on what is good and bad

Over all this game is good for the price tag but I feel match making could be improved or even dedicated servers implemented into the PC version would be a lot better as finding a game at this current time on the PC it takes a while to find a game, But I do find the multiplayer is constructed quite well in game I also like the interface, so over all I will give this game 6.5/10 because it is good but I feel it could have been a lot better but for £10/$15 you are getting a bargain I recommend you get it for the 360 or the PS3.

– Low Price Tag
– extremely well optimised
– A good Customization system
– has a strong Multiplayer component
– a innovative UI which works really well

– Difficult to find a game(For PC)
– Lack of matchmaking servers
– No Dedicated server support (For PC)
– No background story
– more for the console market

Final Score: 6.5/10

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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